The Regions of Northeastern South Carolina
The Grand Strand is a 60-mile stretch of coastline that extends from the North Carolina state line at Little River southward to historic Georgetown and Winyah Bay. The name "Grand Strand" refers to the beautiful white sand beaches that crown this spectacular section of Atlantic coast line, which is most famous for the beach and golf resort Myrtle Beach.
The Pee Dee Region is the sprawling section of South Carolina that drains into the Great Pee Dee River. It extends from the North Carolina state line in the north to the Winyah Bay in the south, and its historic and traditional center is the city of Florence.
The Low Country is traditionally considered to be the geographic and cultural region that stretches along the Palmetto State's Atlantic coastline from North Carolina to Georgia. It includes the picturesque South Carolina Sea Islands, and its cultural center is his historic Charleston.
The Counties of Northeastern South Carolina
Berkeley County, Charleston County, Chesterfield County, Clarendon County, Darlington County, Dillon County, Dorchester County, Florence County, Georgetown County, Horry County, Marion County, Marlboro County and Williamsburg County
Neighboring North Carolina includes the coastal counties of Brunswick and New Hanover, which have historic and cultural connections to Northeastern South Carolina - and which offer popular day-trip attractions for visitors to South Carolina's Grand Strand.
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